Nehru Planetrium information

                                                    Nehru planetarium
The Nehru Planetarium, commissioned on 3rd March 1977, with the objective of fostering scientific temper through the means of edutainment (that’s right! education + entertainment).  The planetarium has been making learning Astronomy a pleasant experience.  It also has grown into a Center for the scientific study of astronomy and for a meeting of scientists and scholars for discussions and lectures, arranged periodically on various stellar and Astronomical events.Image result for nehru planetarium mumbaiImage result for nehru planetarium mumbaiImage result for nehru planetarium mumbaiImage result for nehru planetarium mumbaiThe programmes are aimed at inspiring students. These include Science quiz contests, Astro-painting, Science elocution, Astro-poetry and Astro-quiz competitions. Special arrangements are made to watch, study and photograph Solar & Lunar eclipses, and many such other events. Telescopes are installed outside the Planetarium to enable eager visitors to watch these phenomena.
Show TimingsLanguageShow
12:00 nnHindiतारे à¤”र à¤¬्रम्हांड à¤•े à¤†à¤¶्चर्य
01:30 pmMarathiतारे à¤†à¤£ि à¤¬्रम्हांडlचें à¤†à¤¶्चर्य
03:00 pmEnglishStars & Wonders of the Universe
04:30 pmHindiतारे à¤”र à¤¬्रम्हांड à¤•े à¤†à¤¶्चर्य
*Please note that Show may change without any prior notice *

Admission Fee:

TICKET:  Rs 100/- (5 Years and above)
Schools and group concessions will be granted only on submission of a letter from the competent authority on the letter-head of the institution. And Payment by cash or DD in favor of Nehru Centre, Mumbai.

Booking Hours:

11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Tickets can be booked a week in advance at booking window)


Admission 15 minutes before the show.
No Admission after the show is on.
Seating capacity : 500

Special Requests:

Dear Visitors: Please book your ticket for planetarium shows at least a day in advance to avoid inconvenience during festivals and school vacations.
Planetarium is closed on all Mondays and on following major festivals.
HoliThursday, March 21, 2019
Gopal KalaSaturday, August 24, 2019
Ganesh ChaturthiMonday, September 02, 2019
Anant ChaturdashiThursday, September 12, 2019
DaseraTuesday, October 08, 2019
Diwali (laxmi Pooja)Sunday, October 27, 2019
Diwali (Bhaubeej)Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discover of India:-Discovery of India Exposition, a permanent unique exposition, covering every Image result for discover of indiaaspect of artistic, intellectual and philosophical attainment of India through ages, is depicted in 14 galleries which seeks to determine, true identity of the country.
Culture Wing:-With a view to encouraging young performing artists, the Culture Wing organizes regular cultural programmes in all branches of performing arts, like dance, drama, music, etc. Workshops and seminars are organized in these disciplines. The cultural programmes are announced in the Monthly Newsletter.
Image result for culture wing
Art Gallery:-The Nehru Centre Art Gallery was set up on November 14, 1992. It is dedicated to the promotion of young talent and provides a platform for them to exhibit their work along with that of eminent artists. The Gallery has featured a wide range of well-known painters and sculptors to students of art colleges. There have been several noteworthy exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, graphics, calligraphy, ceramics, textile-paintings and photography
during the year.Image result for art gallery nehru centre
(Rules and Regulations Governing Booking and Allotment of Nehru Centre Auditorium)
1. These rules may be called Rules and Regulations Governing Booking and Allotment of Nehru Centre Auditorium. They shall come in force from 01.04.2019.
2. The management of Nehru Centre has all powers to amend, modify or change these rules as and when required.
3. The Auditorium consists of the stage, 03 green rooms, 917 seating capacity hall and the foyer. Please note that there is no alternate source of power (electricity) supply at Nehru Centre.
4. The auditorium shall be used only for the following purposes:
    (a) Cultural programmes viz. dance, drama and music concerts
    (b) Lectures, conferences, conventions and meetings
    (c) Corporate meetings/programmes
5. Slots for allotment For cultural programmes, the auditorium shall be allotted in the following three slots in one day:
    (a) The morning slot 10.00 am to 01.00 pm
    (b) The afternoon slot 03.00 pm to 06.00 pm
    (c) The evening slot 07.00 pm to 10.00 pm
6. For corporate programmes, meetings, conferences, conventions, seminars, symposia and lectures, the auditorium shall be allotted in the following three slots in one day:
    (a) The morning slot 10.00 am to 02.00 pm
    (b) The afternoon slot 02.00 pm to 06.00 pm
    (c) The evening slot 06.00 pm to 10.00 pm
    (d) The auditorium could also be allotted for the full day i.e. 10.00 am
         to 10.00 pm.
7. Maintenance charges for the auditorium
    (i) Theatre activities like drama, one act plays, solo dramatic performances and sangeet natak shall be charged at the following rates:
         (a) The morning slot (10 am to 1 pm) per show  45,000.00
         (b) The afternoon slot (3 pm to 6 pm) per show  45,000.00
         (c) The evening slot (7 pm to 10 pm) per show  50,000.00 If the programme exceeds the allotted three hour limit there shall be an additional charge of  25,000.00 per hour.
         (d) Full Day (10 am to 10 pm) for 3 shows only  2,15,000.00
(ii) All other programmes including classical dance, music concerts and other concerts, conferences, meetings, seminars, lectures, etc., and sponsored programmes including sponsored theatre programmes or programmes organized in collaboration with other organizations shall be charged at the following rate:
          (a) The morning slot (10 am to 2 pm) per show  90,000.00
          (b) The afternoon slot (2 pm to 6 pm) per show  90,000.00
          (c) The evening slot (6 pm to 10 pm) per show  90,000.00 If the programme exceeds the allotted four hour limit there shall be an additional charge of ₹ 25,000.00 per hour.
          (d) Full day (10 am to 10 pm) for 3 shows only  2,70,000.00
(iii) The services of the ushers shall be provided at the Auditorium by Nehru
Centre and the party booking the Auditorium shall pay the necessary charges as applicable.
(iv) Cordless microphones and collar microphones will be charged at  1000/- per unit per session.
(v) For power (electricity) consumed in video recording, audio recording, extra outsourced lights and the use of LED screen, the following extra charges shall be payable:
          (a) Video recording  500/- per session
          (b) Audio recording  500/- per session
          (c) Each extra light  100/- per session
          (d) LED screen @  5000/- per session
(vi) The party booking the Auditorium shall pay all applicable taxes on the above charges.
(viI) The party booking the Auditorium shall pay in advance a refundable security deposit of  40,000/- per session. Nehru Centre shall be entitled to make deductions from the security deposit on account of the following:
          (a) Damage caused to the building including painting
          (b) Damage caused to the fixtures, furniture and equipment
          (c) Damage caused to electrical installations and equipment
          (d) Any other damages caused to the property of Nehru Centre
8. Change/Revision of Tariff
In case of revision of Tariff after booking of the Auditorium, the applicant shall pay the maintenance and other charges along with applicable taxes as per revised rates.
9. Application for the allotment of the auditorium
(a) Application for the allotment of Nehru Centre auditorium shall be submitted to the Manager of the auditorium in the prescribed form which is annexed at the end of this booklet. Application in any other form shall not be entertained.
(b) If the application on scrutiny is found to be in order and the auditorium also available on the date asked for, the applicant would be advised accordingly.
(c) On receipt of above advice, the applicant must remit full amount of
maintenance charges, usher charges and applicable taxes along with security deposit as enumerated in rule 7 above. The entire amount must be paid within one week of the receipt of the advice failing which the auditorium may be allotted to some other applicant. All payments must be made by cheque, bank draft or RTGS/NEFT. There shall be no cash transaction.
(d) On receipt of maintenance and other charges Nehru Centre shall issue the Advance Receipt to the party. The Tax Invoice will be issued on or after the date of the event/program or cancellation of the programme, as the case may be.
10. Allotment of the auditorium on the weekend (Saturdays and Sundays) and bank holidays
(a) Application for the allotment of auditorium on a Saturday or a Sunday or on a bank holiday can be made on a quarterly basis. With a view to meeting this requirement one year has been divided into the
following four quarters:
          (i) January, February, March (First Quarter)
          (ii) April, May, June (Second Quarter)
          (iii) July, August, September (Third Quarter)
          (iv) October, November, December (Fourth Quarter)
(b) Application for the allotment of auditorium on a Saturday, a Sunday or a bank holiday shall be submitted quarter-wise and on or between dates mentioned in front of each quarter.
          (i) First quarter : From 1st October to 10th October of the previous         year.
          (ii) Second quarter : From 1st January to 10th January
          (iii) Third quarter : From 1st April to 10th April
          (iv) Fourth quarter : From 1st July to 10th July
          (c) Change in the date of the allotment of auditorium on a Saturday, a Sunday or on a bank holiday, after it has been allotted, shall not be permitted.
          (d) Application for the rest of the week days could be made one year in advance.
11. Change of date
Change in the date of the allotment of auditorium, after it has been allotted on the date (except on Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday) asked for in the application, shall be permitted only once, provided the change of date sought is intimated 60 days in advance of the date on which the auditorium already stands allotted and subject to availability.
A sum of  5000/- shall have to be paid for the desired change in the date.
12. Cancellation
(a) In the event of cancellation of a confirmed booking, the entire amount of
maintenance charges including all applicable taxes shall be forfeited and the applicant shall not be entitled to claim refund of any amount paid by him except security deposit, after making deductions, if any.
(b) The cheque pertaining to refund of security deposit if not collected/deposited in the bank account within three months from the date of issue of cheque, shall stand forfeited.
13. Nehru Centre Management shall have full power and authority to cancel any confirmed allotment of the auditorium for the following reasons:
          (i) If the content of the programme is likely to hurt the feelings or sentiments of any group of citizens of India
          (ii) If the allottee transfers/sublets the allotment of the auditorium to another party or to an event manager
          (iii) If the auditorium allotment has been obtained on submission of false information or pretext.
In case of cancellation under rule 13(i) the entire amount of maintenance charges including security deposit shall be refunded.
In case of cancellation under rule 13(ii) and 13(iii) entire amount of maintenance charges including security deposit shall be refunded.
In case of cancellation under rule 13(ii) and 13(iii) entire amount of maintenance charges paid shall be forfeited and the applicant shall only be entitled to refund of the security deposit, paid by him/her.
The applicant shall not be entitled to claim any damages or compensation
whatsoever for such cancellation of bookings made by Nehru Centre under this rule.
14. Cancellation due to circumstances beyond anybody’s control
If a programme has to be cancelled due to rain, flood, any other natural calamity or power failure, the entire amount of maintenance charges including security deposit shall be refunded.
15. Strict adherence to the Copyright Act.
Any programme which violates the copyright of an individual or an institution shall not be permitted in the auditorium. The person in whose name the auditorium is booked shall furnish a written undertaking stating that the programme proposed to be staged does not infringe the Copyright Act and that any legal issue, if any, arising in this regard shall be solely his/her responsibility.
16. Fire Safety measures
a) No inflammable material, including candles, diyas or incense sticks shall be allowed inside the auditorium even if it be a part of the perfomance to be staged. For the ceremonial inaugural function, only one brass or metal lamp shall be allowed on the stage.
b) Organizer has to specify/indicate the usage of smoke/haze machine during the programmes for creating the special effects so that necessary instructions would be passed on to our automatic fire detection control room.
17. Conducting of programmes
(i) All programmes shall be conducted in an orderly manner for which the person/institution booking the auditorium shall be fully responsible.
(ii) The seating capacity of the auditorium is 917 including reserved seats for Nehru Centre authorities and the state government authorities under Rule 140 of the Rules of Licensing and Controlling Places of Public Amusement. Thus seat numbers 9 to 18 and seat numbers 19 and 20 in ‘ B’ row and seat numbers 1 to 13 in the ‘G’ row shall always, during all events, be at the disposal of Nehru Centre’s management, to be used as deemed fit.
(iii) All aisles shall be kept free at all times.
(iv) Smoking inside the auditorium or in the foyer is strictly prohibited.
(v) No eatables or drinks of any kind shall be allowed inside the auditorium. Snack counter in the foyer provides snacks, tea, coffee, cold drinks etc on payment.
(vi) No music of any kind shall be played at the entrance nor shall loudspeakers be installed outside the entrance of the Auditorium.
(vii) Auditorium’s sound system consisting of 10 wired microphones with stands, 02 podium microphones, 05 foot microphones, 04 hanging microphones and 04 stage monitors only shall be used and any system brought from outside shall not be allowed.
(viii) Film shooting in the auditorium is prohibited. However, for the purpose of keeping a record of the performance, two video cameras shall be allowed at two earmarked places.
(ix) A week prior to the use, the applicant shall be allowed to display only one signboard at the box office not exceeding 6’x3’dimension. On the day of the performance one banner 18’x1.5’ size may be displayed at the main entrance of Nehru Centre Auditorium.
(x) In case of any theft of any belongings of any visitor or artiste, or any other mishap the applicant should report the matter to Worli Police Station.
(xi) Entry to the auditorium shall be subject to security check.
(xii) General Security shall be provided by Nehru Centre.
(xiii) Two (2) samples of ‘Tickets/Invitation Cards’ should be furnished to the Manager of the Auditorium one week prior to the date of the performance.
The Tickets must bear seat numbers and Invitation Cards should either bear
seat number or should be got endorsed by Nehru Centre.
Note: Invitations must specifically mention the following:
(a) Admit One only and
(b) Kindly carry the Invitation card for security reasons
18. Insurance cover of all types for personnel and material shall have to be provided by the person/institution booking the auditorium. Nehru Centre shall not be responsible for any damage or loss of material brought by the person/institution who has booked the auditorium.
19. Removal of material from the auditorium
Nothing will be allowed to be taken out of the auditorium without a gate pass issued by the competent authority of the auditorium.
20. Documents required to be submitted
The Xerox copies of the following documents, as may be relevant, shall have to be furnished one week before the performance/programme, to the Manager of Nehru Centre Auditorium.
          (i) Form A: Receipt of the Municipal theatre tax paid in advance to the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Theatre Division, J.B. Shah Market Bldg, 4th floor, Next to Masjid Station, Mumbai.
          (ii) Certificate from Rangbhumi Prayog Parinirikshan Mandal, 2nd floor, Thackersey House, Shurji Vallabdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001.
Tel. 022 22621911, e-mail:
          (iii) Certificate from Home Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai, wherever applicable.
          (iv) IPRS licence obtained from The Indian Performing Right Society Ltd., 208 Golden Chambers, 2nd floor, New Andheri Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai, 400 053, wherever applicable.
          (v) Receipt for payment of additional tax paid to M.M.C. in case of performance by Foreign Troupes.
          (vi) Clearance Certificate obtained from the Security Board of the Government of Maharashtra.
21. Infringement of rules
In the event of any infringement of rule, the management of the auditorium shall have the right to withdraw all facilities provided for the programme/event.
22. If there is a disagreement between any Department of Nehru Centre and the client party, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Executive, Nehru Centre, whose decision shall be final and binding.
23. This agreement having been signed by both parties at Nehru Centre’s office located at Mumbai, any action relating to this agreement by either party shall be subject to jurisdiction of courts of law in mumbai.
Images reach out from three-dimensional replicas of major architectural and artistic works, photographs, dioramas and audio-visuals. There are over 50,000 exhibits, spread over an area of 100,000 sq. feet and divided into separate sections, historically as well as architecturally.
Image result for auditorium nehru centre
