26th Januarary special speech for school and college students.(English)

                                                              26th january 
 Republic day
                                                   2020 speech for all studets

Republic Day Speech

Good morning to the respected Principal sir, My teachers, and My dear friends. My name is…… I study in class….. I would like to say thank you to give me such a great opportunity to speak something on our Republic Day.
Today, we all are here to celebrate 71st Republic Day of our nation. This is a great and auspicious occasion for all of us. We should greet each other and pray to God for the development and prosperity of our nation. We celebrate Republic Day in India every year on the 26th of January as the constitution of India came into force on this day. We are regularly celebrating the Republic Day of India since 1950 as on the 26th of January in 1950 India constitution came into force.
India is a democratic country where the public is authorized to elect its leaders to lead the country. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was our first President of India. Since we got independence from British rule in 1947, our country has developed a lot and counted among the powerful countries. Together with some developments, some drawbacks have also arisen such as inequality, poverty, unemployment, corruption, illiteracy, etc. We need to take a pledge today for solving such problems in society to make our country the best country in the world.
Thank You, Jay Hind
Image result for 26 january 2020

Republic Day Speech 2020

I would like to say good morning to our respected Principal, My teachers, My seniors, and colleagues. Let me let you know something about this special occasion. Today we are celebrating 71st republic day of our nation. It was started celebrating since 1950, two and a half years later to the Independence of India in 1947. We celebrate it every year on the 26th of January as our constitution came into effect on the same day. After getting independence from the British rule in 1947, India was not a self-ruled country means a sovereign state. India became a self-governing country when its constitution came into effect in 1950. India is a republic country that has no king or queen to rule it however public of this country is the ruler.
Every one of us living in this country has equal rights, no one can be a president, chief minister or prime minister without voting of us. We have the right to choose our best Prime Minister or other leaders to lead this country in the right direction. Our leaders should be capable enough to think in favor of our country. He should think equally about every states, villages, and city of the country so that India can be a well-developed country without any discrimination of race, religion, poor, rich, high class, lower class, middle class, illiteracy, etc.
Our leader should have a dominating property in the favor of country so that each and every official may follow all the rules and regulations incorrect way. Every official should follow the Indian rules and regulations in order to make this country a corruption-free country. Only a corruption-free India would really and truly mean a country with “Unity in Diversity”. Our leaders should not understand them as a special person, as they are one from us and have been selected according to their capability to lead the country. They have been selected by us to serve their truthful services to India for a limited time period. So, there should not be any confusion between their own ego and authority and position.
Thanks, Jay Hind, Jay Bharat

Republic Day Speech In English

Good morning to all. My name is…… I read in class….. As we all know that we have gathered here on the very special occasion of our nation called Republic Day of India. I would like to narrate a Republic Day speech in front of you. First of all, I would like to say a lot of thanking my class teacher as just because of her I have got such a wonderful opportunity in my school to come on this stage and speak something about my beloved country on its great occasion of Republic day.
India is a self-governing country since the 15th of August 1947. India got independence from the British rule on the 15th of August in 1947 which we celebrate as Independence Day, However, on the 26th of January 1950, we celebrate as Republic Day. The Constitution of India came into force on the 26th of January in 1950, so we celebrate this day as the Republic Day every year. This year in 2020, we are celebrating 71st republic day of India.
Republic means the supreme power of the people living in the country and only the public has the right to elect their representatives as a political leader to lead the country in the right direction. So, India is a Republic country where the public elects its leaders as a president, prime minister, etc. Our Great Indian freedom fighters have struggled a lot with the “Purna Swaraj” in India. They did so that their future generations may live without struggle and led the country ahead.
Dr. Abdul Kalam has said that “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the Father, the Mother, and the Teacher”. As a citizen of the country, we should think seriously about it and do all possible efforts to lead our nation.
Thanks, Jayhind

Short Republic Day Speech 2020

I Would Like To Thank The Honorable Guests, The Audience And The Honorable Speaker / Principal / Teacher To Allow Me To Speak On The Republic Day Of India.26th January Is The Day Which Is Celebrated As Indian Republic Day Every Year. All Indian Show Their Dignity And Respect To The National Flag Of India That Get Unfurled On This Very Day On Several Places In India That Include Institutes, Banks And Many More Places.
On this day, the Constitution of India came into force in 1950 however, it was adopted on 26 November 1949 by the Constituent Assembly. On 26 January, India was declared PurnaSwaraj by the Indian National Congress in 1930 that’s why 26 January was chosen to bring Indian Constitution into force. Our constitution assures the citizens of India about justice, liberty, and equality among them.
Republic Day Is One Of The Biggest Day In Indian History. Republic Day Is Celebrated On 26 January Every Year With Full Dedication And Devotion In Each And Every Corner Of India. It Is Celebrated In Every School, Colleges, Universities And Every Education Society With Full Scope. These Functions And Essays Writing Competition There Are Tons Of Kids Participate.
Thanks, Jai Hind.

Republic Day Speech 2020

Honorable Chief Guest, respected Principal, esteemed teachers and my dear friends. Today I stand before the august gathering on this auspicious occasion to speak a few words on the 66th Republic Day of India. First of all, I would like to wish all my countrymen a Happy Republic Day and pray God for the well being of our nation. You all know that our country became free from the British rule in 1947, later our Constitution was drafted by the members of the Drafting Committee and thus India was declared a republic country on 26 January 1950 when she celebrated her 1st Republic Day. Every year we celebrate Republic Day on 26 January with high spirits of patriotism as it was on this day that our constitution came into force. This is one of the important National festivals of our country besides Independence Day of India which is celebrated on 15 August. Jay HIND!
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So, your kids can prepare this republic day speech or 26 January welcome speech for your school event. You can also use these welcome speech for 26 January for your social event. So, enjoy here!
This is the festival of proud of our nation. Every countryman should participate on this occasion. We should also remember our freedom fighters on this day. This is an occasion of patriotism, unity; peace, love, proud, happiness and inspiration. We should make some principle on this occasion and try to be loyal to our duties and nation.Image result for 26 january 2020
